Find That Person That Makes You Whole

Find someone who makes you whole, fills your cup, and supports you!


It’s time you meet the most amazing man, my husband! He’s the person who makes me whole, fills my cup, and supports me. We are junior high sweethearts {imagine that, yes}. I wouldn’t have it any other way!

We certainly went through MANY challenges together {and still continue too, despite what my social media may look like, we are not perfect}, with many highs and many lows but, he is the best thing that ever happened to me {I know, cheesy}.

He is my number one supporter in everything that I do. I have often told him things and said things where he questioned me but has never doubted me. Why? Because, I’ve been always able to prove to him that the risk {I don’t like to call them risk, more like leaps} that I take somewhere down the line, they pay off.

I mean not everything I’ve taken a chance at has it worked out perfect {I still struggle, there is no such thing as perfect, is there?}, but in many of those situations, I’ve learned so much about myself and my relationship with my husband.

Without him, I would not where I am today {truth}. I was able to step back from my full-time job before I was even successful with my part-time job, to be able to spend more time focusing and building this AND check items off of my bucket list! The opportunity for me to even start this up was a bucket list item, and now here it is a reality. This day in age it is hard to come by a special someone who believes in what YOU believe in and are capable of. A BIG Thank You, goes out to my person {aka hubs}.

I chose this lifestyle because I wanted it for me, but MORE SO for us! I knew that I was {and will} going to have to work my butt off to see my dreams and goals, nothing happens on its own. HE is my reason. On his days off, I wake up before him to get my work done so we can spend more time together. I plan my days so I have a work-life balance working a home business to be able to spend more time with him {yes, working from home still requires discipline whether that is showing up or working too much}.

I am so thankful to be able to live my life by my design. Most importantly is the amazing support that comes from my husband. Without him, none of this would be doable! <3


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